Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Third day: Wyoming, back to Utah and up to Idaho

The next morning, we went to Fossil Butte National monument. It was awesome! the scenery was great and I loved the fossils!

There is a huge area full of fossils here, and only about 3% is in the national monument. They have an amazing diversity of fossils.



Palm frond

Damsel Fly

Huge array of different plants

Fish eating another fish.


Early horse


Antelope country

Missed putting this ground squirrel in with my wildlife photos.

Bear Lake is enormous and a natural lake. Known for their raspberries, I got all kinds of raspberry goodies for when I can eat them. (Jam, syrup and honey).

Over the mountains again.

Logan Temple

Light post in Smithville says Smithfield.


Idaho now

Abandoned cabin in Oxford, Idaho

Old barn

 This is the cemetery up on the hill in Oxford where I will be buried. Have to check it out ever so often.
My sister's in laws.

View from the cemetery across the valley.

The original homestead of my sister's in law's family.

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