Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wrapping up: At around my sister's home in Idaho

My mom

Clemantis in my sister's garden

My sister has a great row of shrubs and trees of all different colors of foliage.



Ron, my brother in law

On the Oxford loop

Saw these guys working the bee hives. See the bees in the air? They weren't happy.

 Bird nest on a fence post

Wendy working in her garden
 My nephew Daniel working on the cooler
Daniel and his cousin Dillon


My niece Karliegh

Chives in my sisters garden

My sister Janet

Train corssing

Janet, Mom, Wendy and me

Karliegh and Daniel, Cousins, both 18

Karliegh, Beau and Wendy

Mom and Dotty. Mom goes everywhere in her motorized chair

Full moon on Oxford loop

32 year old mule, in retirement!

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