Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Beach Camping

Lynnora and I introduced Dericka to camping a couple of years ago. She has decided she likes it! She has even invested in some of her own equipment. Lynnora has gone beach camping every year and I was always a little wistful, thinking that it would be a fun thing to do. So this year, Dericka and I tagged along with Lynnora's plans.

We stayed at Sycamore Cove campground in Point Mugu State Park, near Malibu in California. At first, I was disappointed that we weren't right on the beach. We were about a 5 minute walk away. But after the cold wind started to blow, I decided maybe it was better to not be right on the ocean. And we had flush toilets and water. The campground that was on the beach did not. We also had a beautiful sycamore tree to put our tents under. There were no trees at the beach campground. So we think maybe we had the best of both worlds.

 We all have our own little tents. Mine was called the "princess tent" because I had a cot with a blow up air mattress. And I put nice sheets on it and used my sleeping bag as a quilt. I probably should have zipped my sleeping bag and used it like it was meant to be. I would have been warmer. It was in the 50's at night and for a while each evening the wind blew, which was freezing.

Dericka had told us before that "black people don't camp." She was very excited to see quite a few black families camping in our campground. She had to take a picture of them to prove they existed.

Our beach was uncrowded and plenty big for us!

I enjoyed seeing this French bulldog puppy on the beach.

Graffiti in the tunnel we would take under the road to the beach.

Lynnora was our supremo fire starter and fire tender.

 Dericka was happy to get some warmth.

They had S'mores with specially made marshmallows for S'mores. They were square.

Cairns on the beach

 Nice sand and clean mostly.

Dericka enjoyed a little exploring. A group of dolphins swam by, right close to the beach!

It was a little chilly to get more than your feet in the water, although some people swam. Lynnora enjoying her adult coloring book.

Lynnora and Dericka tried a little beach badminton.

Navy helicopter flew by twice. We waved.

Before I got sunburned.

The sun did come out enough for us all to enjoy a little nap in the sun.

And suddenly they were setting up a wedding right next to us. We hung out long enough to watch.

And they are married!

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