Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Kayaking on the Salt River

Cindy and I went kayaking on the Salt River this morning. It was awesome! Someday, I still think I am going to buy a kayak. I just have to figure out how to store it and how to haul it....

We were at Saguaro Lake Ranch. I had never been there before and it was very cool. They have quite a few things they offer. Check out their website.

We went on the two hour kayak trip. They have them at 8am, 9 and 10. We were supposed to be there a half hour early, and so we had to leave early this morning to get all the way there. It was worth it!
There were 11 people in our group. First of all, this is easy, flat water paddling in an open kayak. Anyone can do it. Seriously. There were a few areas of faster water, but nothing scary.

We had a few instructions and then he set us off and told us where he would pick us up at the other end.

Cynthia and I have rented Kayaks at Watson Lake in Prescott, off Catalina Island, Lake Pleasant and I did it once in La Jolla. We decided this was one of our nicest trips. It was fun to be on a river as opposed to the lake or ocean. We saw herons, turkey buzzards, turtles, red winged black birds and 19 wild horses!

The scenery was nice the whole time, but the most spectacular were these cliffs right at the beginning.

He told us you can sometimes see eagles sitting on the cliffs. We didn't notice them today.

We did see lots and lots of turkey buzzards. I thought these guys in the saguaro skeleton were pretty comical.

 Some of the places the wild horses were, was fast water. I couldn't take pics then as I had to pay attention to what I was doing, but I got some. We saw horses pretty much along our whole trip.

We only saw two people tubing and so it was like we had the river completely to ourselves. We loved that too. It could be because we were the 8am group and also it was a weekday.

More horses

This horse had a rider! He was waiting for us to pull out before he crossed the river on his horse.

It's easier to get out if someone gives you a hand. My knees aren't what they used to be.

Made it to the end. We think we are going to go back and maybe do the longer trip next time.

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