Sunday, July 22, 2018

Calgary Stampede Rodeo

The Calgary Stampede rodeo is held every day at 1:30 pm for 10 days. During that time the various participants get a cumulative ranking until the 10th day, when the winners of each category get 100,000$. There are a few novelty things thrown in, like the steer riding event above for teenagers.  Everyone is very good at what they do.

We were a little toasty until the sun moved and gave us some shade.

  A sea of cowboy hats everywhere you look at the Stampede. Almost all white.

  Darla said she came to see men in wranglers. Hahaha

There were also lots of cowboy boots, even lots worn with clothing other than jeans.

And plaid shirts were the other thing that was the Stampede uniform.

  There were lots of teenage volunteers to help out. They were super nice.

Steer riding

These folks were top in the standings. I know that gal won 100,000 on the last day for barrel racing. She was from Texas. Hailey was her name.

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