Sunday, July 22, 2018

First Nations at Calgary Stampede

The Indian tribes are called First Nations in Canada. They have been a part of the Stampede since the beginning, more than 100 years ago. They have an Indian encampment where they set up Teepees, that some actually stay and sleep in. They have some open that you can go in and people to explain the different tribes in the area. I was surprised to find out that there are Navajos who went to Canada years ago, so as to avoid going on a reservation. They were part of this group.
A display inside a Teepee of beadwork on buckskin. It was very nice.

They had some Mounties who were First nations. Darla was excited to get a photo with them.
There was a flag raising every morning, different demonstrations and dancing and drumming competitions.

The poles used in the Teepees were uncut poles of lodge pole pine. They were really long and straight.

Part of the flag raising

Lots of different kinds of dancers. These were shawl dancers.

Jingle Dress dancers.

 At the evening program, they had the Indian relay races. They were amazing. The same rider rode three different horses, bareback around the track. Here is a link.
Indian Relay Races

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