I have lumped most all of my camp photos in one posting, so bear with me. Here is the main entrance. As you can see the camp has been around a long time.
Pam, our esteemed camp director.
Natalee one of the assistant camp directors.
Cindy and Marion, part of the stake staff.
Cindy reading by flashlight.
Each group made a banner for display. The theme was SOS: Seeking our Savior. Sort of religous and nautical at the same time. Cindy painted our stake banner on the left. Her daughter Melanie worked on the one on the right.
The YCL's or youth camp leaders are fifth year girls who plan and run camp.
Cindy's husband, Dave, was our priesthood leader. He was amazing. There were a lot of things that were badly in need of repair in the camp and he worked like a dog the whole time he was there.
This first year camper was a little firecracker! Here are the girls just after arriving, getting their camp shirts.
Rachel, one of the YCL's helping one of the first year girls.
There were craft activities.
Stake staff cabin.
Here is some of what I did in my down time.
More crafting.
What I made.
Flag ceremonies every morning and evening were complete with songs, cheers, exercises.
One of the girls who hadn't been feeling well, telling me how she was doing now.
Camp food.
Jordan and Chole after one of the evening activities.
Dave and Cindy early on. Later we all looked a little worse for wear.
Rachel and Melanie leading their stupendous Jazzercise class.
There was Archery and hiking, both lead by Cindy.
President Lythgow and Dave at the morning flag ceremony. President Lythgow was on his way to the boy scout camp too.
Evening meal. Joann Yule was our Stake Young Women's President. That is here with the red scarf.
Flowers in hair were everywhere! It was one of the crafts.
Natalee and Paula the 2 assistant camp directors.
Embroidery thread mess after a week of camp.
First year girls after getting their certificates.
Second year girls
Third year girls.
The rowdy fourth years.
The amazing YCL's!
The great cabin mom's.
It was a fun and busy week!
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