Today, Penny and I went to one of the Rodeo performances for the Parada Del Sol. It was lots of fun! On the way in, there was a bird rescue organization with several birds on hand. It was cool to see.
We had great front row seats! But the action is so fast, that a lot of my photos are blurry. Still it's fun.
This was scary. This guy got his hand stuck in the rope. He fell off, but his hand was still stuck and he was drug around quite a while, while folks were trying to help him. Thank goodness he was able to keep on his feet most of the time, but it was scary and sobering. He has to have done some damage to his hand. Thank goodness it was the only injury we were aware of.
Steer wrestling
Saddle broncs
These guys were great. They rode alongside the bucking horse and pulled the guy off. Then they got the bucking strap off the animal and got them out of the arena.
Team roping
The entertainment. This guy had Watutsi cattle from Africa. Huge horns. He had them trained to jump up on the truck and then the trailer.